Designing the new customer-centric mobile banking application
Coop Pank wanted to design a new version of their mobile internet bank. To stand out from the competition, they needed to get to the bottom of the client’s expectations. How do you find detailed personas for research and identify what they look for in products and services? How to validate the ideas?
Rethink helped to identify the client personas based on statistical segmentation in line with the bank’s strategic growth targets. We conducted many in-depth interviews establishing patterns in expectations and gaps with the competitors. We delivered a fully functional mobile app prototype for development that was tested and validated.
Customer personas. Complete interactive mobile app prototype. Style system and design assets repository. Graphic design and illustrations.
Coop Pank has since emerged as the fastest-growing bank in Estonia.
6 workshops with clients of 7 different banks. 36 in-depth interviews in the age range of 11 and 67 years. 700 mobile app screens designed and tested during design iterations.
Designing a best-of-breed banking app is not an easy job to do, given that Estonia is one of the most digitally advanced societies. Service design methodology helped us discover product development opportunities we never noticed before.
Jan Annikve
Head of Digital Channels
Coop Pank
Coop Pank is an Estonian bank headquartered in Tallinn. It offers daily banking, deposits, business and personal loans, leasing, bank cards, settlement services, card acquiring, factoring, private banking, and insurance services. The mission of Coop Pank is to further life in every corner of Estonia.