Estonian e-services

Estonia has been a forerunner in digital public services. However, the user experience is often inconsistent and built around technical capabilities, not user needs. How to make digital public services user-friendly? How to establish a common foundation for different service touchpoints?
Estonian Government has moved towards introducing a new, event-based approach to designing public digital services that often consolidates the capabilities of different institutions. For that reason, we have been involved in re-designing the existing e-services to comply with that goal.
We have worked on three projects around personal data protection, financial support for businesses, and e-receipts. All of them have been built from the real-life user needs perspective rather than just being interfaces to the existing systems. In-depth user research has been an integral part of the design process.
More than 40 in-depth customer interviews, 350 respondents to surveys, and two full-service prototypes.
Rethink is a valuable partner for designing innovative digital solutions for public sector services. They understand global service design trends, public sector needs, and requirements for end-user preferences. Rethink can lead projects with many participants in well-communicated and well-documented ways.
Sandra Särav
Deputy Secretary General
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is a government ministry of Estonia creating overall conditions for the growth of the competitiveness of the Estonian economy.